module Example.Outline where

open import Prelude

  n : 
  v v₀ v₁ e e₀ e₁ : Bool
  d : Mode

-- Simplest types (with metavariables)

-- Syntax.Simple.Term
data TExp (m : ) : Set where
  `_   : Fin m            TExp m
  base :                   TExp m
  _⊃_  : TExp m  TExp m  TExp m

-- Metavariables used only in typing rules and not elsewhere
Ty : Set
Ty = TExp 0

  A B : Ty
  Γ   : List Ty

-- From parser generators to type-synthesiser generators
-- Using datatype-generic programming to quantify over simple type systems
-- Only an overall picture in this file (no datatype-generic implementations)

-- The programmer writes untyped terms, whose types should be synthesised
-- General type synthesis quickly becomes undecidable; introduce type annotations
-- Type checking subsumed by type synthesis

data Raw :   Set where
  `_  : Fin n          Raw n
  _∋_ : Ty  Raw n     Raw n
  app : Raw n  Raw n  Raw n
  abs : Raw (suc n)    Raw n

variable r r' s s' : Raw _

-- The typing relation for simply typed λ-calculus

infix 3 _⊢_⦂_

data _⊢_⦂_ : (Γ : List Ty)  Raw (length Γ)  Ty  Set where

  `_  : (i : A  Γ)
        Γ  (` L.index i)  A

  _∋_ : (A : Ty)
       Γ  r  A
        Γ  (A  r)  A

  app : Γ  r  A  B
       Γ  s  A
        Γ  app r s  B

  abs : A  Γ  r  B
        Γ  abs r  A  B

-- Decide whether there is a typing derivation for a given raw term
-- if the raw term satisfies some constraint, e.g., having enough type annotations

TypeSynthesis' : (∀ {n}  Raw n  Set)  Set
TypeSynthesis' P = (Γ : List Ty) (r : Raw (length Γ))
                  P r  Dec (Σ[ A  Ty ] Γ  r  A)

-- Decide whether a given raw term has a type
-- or abort with the excuse that the term doesn’t satisfy the constraint

TypeSynthesis : (∀ {n}  Raw n  Set)  Set
TypeSynthesis E = (Γ : List Ty) (r : Raw (length Γ))
                 Dec (Σ[ A  Ty ] Γ  r  A)  E r

-- The second version is logically stronger and more useful in practice

TypeSynthesis-lemma : {P :  {n}  Raw n  Set}  TypeSynthesis (¬_  P)  TypeSynthesis' P
TypeSynthesis-lemma syn Γ r p
    with syn Γ r
... | inl  d = d
... | inr ¬p with ¬p p
...          | ()

-- Bidirectional type system for STLC
-- Terms are syntactically classified into two categories
-- based on whether their types can be synthesised or checked

data Pre : Mode  {n : }  Raw n  Set where

  `_  : (i : Fin n)
        Pre Syn (` i)

  _∋_ : (A : Ty)
       Pre Chk r
        Pre Syn (A  r)

  _↑  : Pre Syn r
        Pre Chk r

  app : Pre Syn r
       Pre Chk s
        Pre Syn (app r s)

  abs : Pre Chk r
        Pre Chk (abs r)

-- First step: syntactically decide whether there are enough type annotations
-- Wherever a checked term needs to be used as an synthesised term,
-- a type annotation is necessary, e.g., app (abs t ∋ imp B A) u

ModePreprocessing : Set
ModePreprocessing = (d : Mode) {n : } (r : Raw n)  Dec (Pre d r)

-- Second step: bidirectional type synthesis
-- If a bidirectional type system is designed well (i.e., mode-correct),
-- from synthesised types we can derive what the types of checked terms should be

infix 3 _⊢_[_]_ _⊢_⇐_ _⊢_⇒_


  _⊢_⇐_ _⊢_⇒_ : (Γ : List Ty)  Raw (length Γ)  Ty  Set
  Γ  r  A = Γ  r [ Chk ] A
  Γ  r  A = Γ  r [ Syn ] A

  data _⊢_[_]_ : (Γ : List Ty)  Raw (length Γ)  Mode  Ty  Set where

    var : (j : A  Γ)
         {i : Fin (length Γ)}
          i  L.index j
          Γ  ` i  A

    _∋_ : (A : Ty)
         Γ  r  A
          Γ  (A  r)  A

    _↑_ : Γ  r  B
         A  B
          Γ  r  A

    app : Γ  r  A  B
         Γ  s  A
          Γ  app r s  B

    abs : A  Γ  r  B
          Γ  abs r  A  B

TypeSynthesis⇔ : Set
TypeSynthesis⇔ = (Γ : List Ty) {r : Raw (length Γ)}
                Pre Syn r  Dec (Σ[ A  Ty ] Γ  r  A)

module TypeSynthesis⇔ where

  base≢imp : base  A  B
  base≢imp ()

  imp≡⁻ : {A A′ B B′ : Ty}  A  B  A′  B′  A  A′ × B  B′
  imp≡⁻ refl = refl , refl

  _≟Ty_ : (A B : Ty)  Dec (A  B)
  base    ≟Ty base    = yes refl
  base    ≟Ty (A  B) = no λ ()
  (A  B) ≟Ty base    = no λ ()
  (A  B) ≟Ty (C  D) with A ≟Ty C | B ≟Ty D
  ... | yes A=C | yes B=D = yes (cong₂ _⊃_ A=C B=D)
  ... | no  A≠C | _       = no λ where refl  A≠C refl
  ... | _       | no B≠D  = no λ where refl  B≠D refl

  uniq-⇒-var : (i : A  Γ) (j : B  Γ)  L.index i  L.index j  A  B
  uniq-⇒-var (here refl) (here refl) _  = refl
  uniq-⇒-var (there i)   (there j)   eq = uniq-⇒-var i j (F.suc-injective eq)

  uniq-⇒ : {Γ : List Ty} {r : Raw (length Γ)} {A B : Ty}  Pre Syn r
     Γ  r  A  Γ  r  B  A  B
  uniq-⇒ _         (var i ieq) (var j jeq) = uniq-⇒-var i j (trans (sym ieq) jeq)
  uniq-⇒ _         (_  t)     (_  u)     = refl
  uniq-⇒ (app r _) (app t u)   (app t′ u′) with uniq-⇒ r t t′
  ... | refl = refl

  ¬arg : {Γ : List Ty} {A B : Ty} {t u : Raw (length Γ)}
     Pre Syn t  Pre Chk u
     Γ  t  A  B
     ¬ (Γ  u  A)
     ¬ (∃[ B′ ] Γ  app t u  B′)
  ¬arg t _ ⊢t ¬⊢u (B′ , app ⊢t′ ⊢u′) rewrite imp≡⁻ (uniq-⇒ t ⊢t ⊢t′) .proj₁ = ¬⊢u ⊢u′

  TypeChecking⇔ : Set
  TypeChecking⇔ = (Γ : List Ty) (A : Ty) {r : Raw (length Γ)}
                 Pre Chk r  Dec (Γ  r  A)

    synthesise : TypeSynthesis⇔
    synthesise Γ (` i) = yes (L.lookup Γ i , var (∈-lookup i) (sym (index-∈-lookup Γ i)))
    synthesise Γ (A  t) with check Γ A t
    ... | no ¬⊢t = no λ where (B , B  ⊢t)  ¬⊢t ⊢t
    ... | yes ⊢t = yes (A , (A  ⊢t))
    synthesise Γ (app t u) with synthesise Γ t
    ... | no ¬∃              = no λ where (_ , app ⊢t ⊢u)  ¬∃ (_ , ⊢t)
    ... | yes (base    , ⊢t) = no λ where (A , app ⊢t′ ⊢u)  base≢imp (uniq-⇒ t ⊢t ⊢t′)
    ... | yes (A  B , ⊢t) with check Γ A u
    ... | no ¬⊢u = no (¬arg t u ⊢t ¬⊢u)
    ... | yes ⊢u = yes (B , app ⊢t ⊢u)

    check : TypeChecking⇔
    check Γ A (t ) with synthesise Γ t
    ... | no ¬∃ = no λ where
      (⊢t  _)  ¬∃ (_ , ⊢t)
    ... | yes (B , ⊢t) with A ≟Ty B
    ... | no  A≠B = no λ where (⊢u  refl)  A≠B (uniq-⇒ t ⊢u ⊢t)
    ... | yes A=B = yes (⊢t  A=B)
    check Γ base      (abs t) = no λ where (()  _)
    check Γ (A  B) (abs t) with check (A  Γ) B t
    ... | no ¬⊢t = no λ where
      (abs ⊢t)  ¬⊢t ⊢t
    ... | yes ⊢t = yes (abs ⊢t)

-- Eventually we want to perform ordinary type synthesis (the spec)
-- using bidirectional type synthesis (the impl);
-- the two type systems should be somehow related to make that possible

Soundness : Set
Soundness = {Γ : List Ty} {r : Raw (length Γ)} {d : Mode} {A : Ty}
           Γ  r [ d ] A    Γ  r  A

soundness : Soundness
soundness (var i refl)  = ` i
soundness (A  t)    = A  soundness t
soundness (t  refl) = soundness t
soundness (app t u)  = app (soundness t) (soundness u)
soundness (abs t)    = abs (soundness t)

Completeness : Set
Completeness = {Γ : List Ty} {r : Raw (length Γ)} {d : Mode} {A : Ty}
              Pre d r    Γ  r  A    Γ  r [ d ] A

completeness : Completeness
completeness (` ._)    (` i)     = var i refl
completeness (._  p)  (A  t)   = A  completeness p t
completeness (p )     t         = completeness p t  refl
completeness (app p q) (app t u) = app (completeness p t) (completeness q u)
completeness (abs p)   (abs t)   = abs (completeness p t)

-- Completing the bijection between  Pre d r × Γ ⊢ r ⦂ A  and  Γ ⊢ r [ d ] A

TypingErasure : Set
TypingErasure = {Γ : List Ty} {r : Raw (length Γ)} {d : Mode} {A : Ty}
               Γ  r [ d ] A    Pre d r

typingErasure : TypingErasure
typingErasure (var i refl) = ` L.index i
typingErasure (A  t)   = A  typingErasure t
typingErasure (t  _)   = typingErasure t 
typingErasure (app t u) = app (typingErasure t) (typingErasure u)
typingErasure (abs t)   = abs (typingErasure t)

-- Implementing a type synthesiser using a bidirectional one

  : ModePreprocessing  TypeSynthesis⇔
   Soundness  Completeness
   TypeSynthesis (¬_  Pre Syn)
synthesise pre syn⇔ s c Γ r with pre Syn r
... | yes p = inl (map′ (map₂ s) (map₂ (c p)) (syn⇔ Γ p))
... | no ¬p = inr ¬p

--   Γ ⊢ r ⦂ A   ←   Γ ⊢ r ⇒ A
--     ↑               ↑
--   r : Raw n   →   Pre Syn r

-- Strengthening bidirectionalisation

data Pre? : (valid exact : Bool)  Mode  {n : }  Raw n  Set where

  `_  : (i : Fin n)
        Pre? true true Syn (` i)

  _∋_ : (A : Ty)
       Pre? v e    Chk      r
        Pre? v true Syn (A  r)

  _↑  : Pre? v true  Syn r
        Pre? v false Chk r

  ?∋_ : Pre? v     true  Chk r
        Pre? false false Syn r

  app : Pre? v₀ e₀ Syn r
       Pre? v₁ e₁ Chk s
       And (v₀  v₁  []) v
        Pre? v true Syn (app r s)

  abs : Pre? v e    Chk      r
        Pre? v true Chk (abs r)

app-abs : Pre? false true Syn {zero} (app (abs (` zero)) (abs (` zero)))
app-abs = app (?∋ abs ((` zero) )) (abs ((` zero) )) hd

toPre : Pre? true e d r  Pre d r
toPre (` i)   = ` i
toPre (A  p) = A  toPre p
toPre (p )   = toPre p 
toPre (app p q (tl (tl nil))) = app (toPre p) (toPre q)
toPre (abs p) = abs (toPre p)

to¬Pre-Syn : Pre? v true Chk r  ¬ Pre Syn r
to¬Pre-Syn (abs p) ()


  to¬Pre-Chk : Pre? false true Syn r  ¬ Pre Chk r
  to¬Pre-Chk p (q ) = to¬Pre p q

  to¬Pre : Pre? false e d r  ¬ Pre d r
  to¬Pre (A  p)            (.A  q)   = to¬Pre p q
  to¬Pre (p )              q          = to¬Pre-Chk p q
  to¬Pre (?∋ p)             q          = to¬Pre-Syn p q
  to¬Pre (app p p' hd)      (app q q') = to¬Pre p q
  to¬Pre (app p p' (tl hd)) (app q q') = to¬Pre p' q'
  to¬Pre (abs p)            (abs q)    = to¬Pre p q

ModePreprocessing? : Set
ModePreprocessing? =
  (d : Mode) {n : } (r : Raw n)  ∃[ v ] ∃[ e ] Pre? v e d r

ModePreprocessing-lemma : ModePreprocessing?  ModePreprocessing
ModePreprocessing-lemma pre? d r with pre? d r
... | false , _ , p = no (to¬Pre p)
... | true  , _ , p = yes (toPre p)

Classification :  {n}  Raw n  Set
Classification r = Pre? true  true Syn r
                  Pre? true  true Chk r
           ∃[ e ] Pre? false e    Chk r

adjustMode : (d : Mode) {r : Raw n}
            Classification r  ∃[ v ] ∃[ e ] Pre? v e d r
adjustMode Chk (inl               p    ) = _ , _ ,    p 
adjustMode Syn (inl               p    ) = _ , _ ,    p
adjustMode Chk (inr (inl          p   )) = _ , _ ,    p
adjustMode Syn (inr (inl          p   )) = _ , _ , ?∋ p
adjustMode Chk (inr (inr (_     , p  ))) = _ , _ ,    p
adjustMode Syn (inr (inr (false , p ))) = _ , _ ,    p
adjustMode Syn (inr (inr (true  , p  ))) = _ , _ , ?∋ p

preprocess' : (r : Raw n)  Classification r
preprocess' (` i) = inl (` i)
preprocess' (A  r) with adjustMode Chk (preprocess' r)
... | false , _ , p = inr (inr (_ , (A  p) ))
... | true  , _ , p = inl (          A  p    )
preprocess' (app r s) with adjustMode Syn (preprocess' r) | adjustMode Chk (preprocess' s)
... | false , _ , p | v     , _ , q = inr (inr (_ , app p q  hd        ))
... | true  , _ , p | false , _ , q = inr (inr (_ , app p q (tl  hd)   ))
... | true  , _ , p | true  , _ , q = inl (         app p q (tl (tl nil)))
preprocess' (abs r) with adjustMode Chk (preprocess' r)
... | false , _ , p = inr (inr (_ , abs p))
... | true  , _ , p = inr (inl (    abs p))

preprocess? : ModePreprocessing?
preprocess? d = adjustMode d  preprocess'

infix 3 _≤ᴬ_

data _≤ᴬ_ : {n : }  Raw n  Raw n  Set where

  `_   : (i : Fin n)
         (` i) ≤ᴬ (` i)

  _∋_  : (A : Ty)
        r ≤ᴬ r'
         (A  r) ≤ᴬ (A  r')

  _∋⁺_ : (A : Ty)
        r ≤ᴬ r'
         r ≤ᴬ (A  r')

  app  : r ≤ᴬ r'
        s ≤ᴬ s'
         app r s ≤ᴬ app r' s'

  abs  : r ≤ᴬ r'
         abs r ≤ᴬ abs r'

annotatability : Pre? v e d r    Γ  r  A    ∃[ r' ]  r ≤ᴬ r'  ×  Γ  r' [ d ] A
annotatability (` .(L.index i)) (` i) = _ , ` (L.index i) , var i refl
annotatability (p ) t with annotatability p t
... | _ , r≤r' , t' = _ , r≤r' , t'  refl
annotatability (A  p) (.A  t) with annotatability p t
... | _ , r≤r' , t' = _ , A  r≤r' , A  t'
annotatability {A = A} (?∋ p) t with annotatability p t
... | _ , r≤r' , t' = _ , A ∋⁺ r≤r' , A  t'
annotatability (app p q _) (app t u) with annotatability p t | annotatability q u
... | _ , r≤r' , t' | _ , s≤s' , u' = _ , app r≤r' s≤s' , app t' u'
annotatability (abs p) (abs t) with annotatability p t
... | _ , r≤r' , t' = _ , abs r≤r' , abs t'