import Syntax.Simple.Signature as S

module Syntax.Typed.Signature (SD : S.SigD)  where

open import Prelude

open import Syntax.Simple SD as Ty

record ArgD (Ξ : ) : Set where
  constructor _⊢_
    cxt  : TExps Ξ -- context extension
    type : TExp  Ξ -- the type of an argument

ArgsD :   Set
ArgsD Ξ = List (ArgD Ξ)

record OpD : Set where
  constructor ι
    {tvars} :             -- the number of type variables
    type    : TExp  tvars  -- the target type
    args    : ArgsD tvars  -- the arguments of a typing rule

record SigD : Set₁ where
  constructor sigd
    Op        : Set
     decOp  : DecEq Op
    ar        : Op  OpD

open SigD public

ρ-syntax :  {Ξ}  ArgD Ξ  ArgsD Ξ  ArgsD Ξ
ρ-syntax D Ds = D  Ds

syntax ρ-syntax D Ds = ρ[ D ] Ds
infixr 7 ρ-syntax
infix  7 _⊢_

syntax ι {Ξ} A D = Ξ  D  A

infix  6 ι